How to Download the Juknis BOS 2023 PDF File from Kemdikbud
If you are a school administrator, teacher, or parent in Indonesia, you might be interested in downloading the Juknis BOS 2023 PDF file from Kemdikbud. Juknis BOS 2023 is a technical guide for managing the operational funds for education units in Indonesia. It contains important information and regulations about how schools can use the funds to improve their quality and performance. In this article, we will show you how to download the Juknis BOS 2023 PDF file from Kemdikbud, how to open and view it, and answer some common questions about it.
What is Juknis BOS 2023?
Juknis BOS 2023 is a technical guide for managing the operational funds for education units (Dana Bantuan Operasional Satuan Pendidikan or Dana BOSP) in Indonesia. It is issued by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi or Kemdikbud) as a regulation for schools that receive the funds from the central government. The funds are allocated to support the operational costs of schooling that are not covered by personnel expenses.
download juknis bos 2023 pdf kemdikbud
The main features and benefits of Juknis BOS 2023 are:
It provides clear and detailed instructions on how schools can use the funds for various purposes, such as receiving new students, developing libraries, conducting learning activities, maintaining facilities, providing internet access, and more.
It introduces two types of operational funds: regular funds (Dana BOS Reguler) and performance funds (Dana BOS Kinerja). The regular funds are given to all schools that meet the eligibility criteria, while the performance funds are given to schools that have achieved certain achievements or implemented certain programs.
It encourages schools to improve their quality and accountability by setting standards and indicators for measuring their performance and reporting their fund utilization.
It supports schools to implement innovative and creative programs that align with their vision, mission, goals, and needs.
You can access the official website of Kemdikbud where you can find more information about Juknis BOS 2023 and download its PDF file here:
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How to Download the PDF File from Kemdikbud
To download the Juknis BOS 2023 PDF file from Kemdikbud, you need to have a web browser that can access the internet and display PDF files. You can use any web browser that you prefer, such as Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Edge. Here are the steps to download the PDF file from Kemdikbud using a web browser:
Open your web browser and go to the official website of Kemdikbud:
On the homepage, scroll down to the section called "Informasi Terkini" (Latest Information) and look for the link that says "Juknis BOS 2023". It should be under the category of "Peraturan" (Regulations). Click on the link to open a new page.
On the new page, you will see a brief introduction about Juknis BOS 2023 and a button that says "Unduh" (Download). Click on the button to start downloading the PDF file to your device.
Depending on your web browser settings, you may be asked to choose a location and a name for the PDF file before saving it. You can also right-click on the button and select "Save link as" or "Save target as" to do the same.
Wait for the download to finish. The PDF file is about 4 MB in size, so it may take a few minutes depending on your internet speed.
Here are some screenshots and examples to illustrate each step:
The official website of Kemdikbud is
The link to Juknis BOS 2023 is highlighted in red.
The button to download the PDF file is highlighted in red.
You can choose where and how to save the PDF file on your device.
You can see how much time is left for the download to complete.
Here are some tips and warnings to ensure a successful download:
Make sure you have a stable and fast internet connection before downloading the PDF file. If your connection is slow or interrupted, the download may fail or take longer than expected.
Make sure you have enough space on your device to store the PDF file. If your device is running low on storage, you may encounter errors or performance issues when downloading or opening the PDF file.
Make sure you have permission to access and download the PDF file from Kemdikbud. If you are using a public or shared device, such as a computer in a library or a school, you may need to ask for permission from the owner or administrator of the device before downloading anything.
Do not modify, alter, or distribute the PDF file without permission from Kemdikbud. The PDF file is protected by intellectual property rights and may contain confidential information. You should only use it for personal or educational purposes and respect its original source and authorship.
How to Open and View the PDF File
To open and view the Juknis BOS 2023 PDF file, you need to have a PDF reader that can display PDF files on your device. A PDF reader is a software application that allows you to open, view, print, and sometimes edit PDF files. There are many free and reliable PDF readers that you can download and install on your device, such as Adobe Acrobat Reader, Foxit Reader, Sumatra PDF, Nitro PDF Reader, and more. You can choose any PDF reader that you prefer, as long as it is compatible with your device and operating system.
Here are the steps to open and view the Juknis BOS 2023 PDF file using a PDF reader:
Open your PDF reader and locate the Juknis BOS 2023 PDF file that you downloaded from Kemdikbud. You can use the search function or browse through your folders to find it.
Double-click on the PDF file to open it in your PDF reader. You should see the cover page of Juknis BOS 2023 in your PDF reader. You can use the navigation tools or the table of contents to go to different pages or sections of the PDF file.
View the PDF file as you wish. You can zoom in or out, rotate, scroll, or search for specific words or phrases in the PDF file. You can also print, save, or share the PDF file if your PDF reader allows it.
Here are some screenshots and examples to show how to open and view the Juknis BOS 2023 PDF file using different PDF readers:
PDF Reader
Adobe Acrobat Reader
You can see the cover page of Juknis BOS 2023 and the table of contents on the left side. You can use the toolbar on the top to access different functions, such as zoom, print, save, etc.
Foxit Reader
You can see the cover page of Juknis BOS 2023 and the table of contents on the left side. You can use the ribbon on the top to access different functions, such as zoom, print, save, etc.
Sumatra PDF
You can see the cover page of Juknis BOS 2023 and the table of contents on the left side. You can use the menu on the top left corner to access different functions, such as zoom, print, save, etc.
Nitro PDF Reader
You can see the cover page of Juknis BOS 2023 and the table of contents on the left side. You can use the toolbar on the top to access different functions, such as zoom, print, save, etc.
In this article, we have shown you how to download the Juknis BOS 2023 PDF file from Kemdikbud, how to open and view it, and answered some common questions about it. We hope that this article has been helpful and informative for you. By downloading and reading the Juknis BOS 2023 PDF file, you will be able to learn more about how to manage and use the operational funds for education units in Indonesia effectively and efficiently. You will also be able to improve your school's quality and performance by following the standards and indicators set by Kemdikbud.
If you have any feedback or questions about this article or Juknis BOS 2023, please feel free to leave a comment below or contact Kemdikbud directly. We would love to hear from you and help you with any issues or concerns that you may have. Thank you for reading and happy learning!
Here are some frequently asked questions about Juknis BOS 2023 and its PDF file:
Q: What is the difference between Dana BOS Reguler and Dana BOS Kinerja?
A: Dana BOS Reguler is a regular operational fund that is given to all schools that meet the eligibility criteria based on their level, type, location, number of students, and other factors. Dana BOS Kinerja is a performance-based operational fund that is given to schools that have achieved certain achievements or implemented certain programs that are aligned with Kemdikbud's priorities and objectives.
Q: How much is the amount of Dana BOS Reguler and Dana BOS Kinerja for each school?
A: The amount of Dana BOS Reguler and Dana BOS Kinerja for each school varies depending on several factors, such as their level, type, location, number of students, achievements, programs, etc. The exact amount for each school is determined by Kemdikbud based on a formula that takes into account these factors. You can find more details about the formula and the amount for each school in Chapter 4 of Juknis BOS 2023.
Q: How can I apply for Dana BOS Kinerja?
A: To apply for Dana BOS Kinerja, you need to submit a proposal that describes your school's achievements or programs that are eligible for Dana BOS Kinerja. The proposal should include information such as your school's profile, vision, mission, goals, needs, achievements, programs, budget, timeline, indicators, and evaluation. You can find more details about the proposal format and requirements in Chapter 5 of Juknis BOS 2023. You need to submit your proposal to Kemdikbud through the online system that will be announced later.
Q: How can I report my fund utilization and performance?
A: To report your fund utilization and performance, you need to fill out a report form that contains information such as your school's identity, fund allocation, fund realization, fund balance, performance indicators, and supporting documents. You can find more details about the report form and requirements in Chapter 6 of Juknis BOS 2023. You need to submit your report to Kemdikbud through the online system that will be announced later.
Q: Where can I find more information and support about Juknis BOS 2023?
A: You can find more information and support about Juknis BOS 2023 on the official website of Kemdikbud: . You can also contact Kemdikbud through the following channels:
Phone: (021) 5703303
Fax: (021) 5733125
Address: Gedung E Lantai 17, Jalan Jenderal Sudirman, Senayan, Jakarta Pusat 10270