For users, JRuby represents a different opportunity: to take advantage of the power of a dynamic language such as Ruby while still being able to leverage existing Java libraries and application servers. This area will be explored in the first two chapters.
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Download NetBeans 6.5 from and run the installer. NetBeans is available in a variety of bundles; both the Ruby and All bundles include support for Ruby development. In addition to Ruby, the All bundle includes support for Java, Web, Mobile, and C/C++, as well as both Apache Tomcat and Sun GlassFish application servers.
PhysixCat brought up in the DSDA server how there are only Windows binaries being distributed for DSDA-Doom and how Linux users have to build from source every time, and building from source can be pretty intimidating for people who aren't used to it. In an effort for more accessibility, I'll be posting .debs for new versions as available. :) 2ff7e9595c