The books 900 pages form three sections of equal size. The firstdeals with essential general issues. Microscopy, staining,sterilization and disin- fection, culture media and cultivationmethods, identification tests, labora- tory control ofantimicrobial therapy, immunological and public health aspects ofmicrobiology, quantitation and the use of experimental animals allreceive comprehensive attention. The middle section is a superbcom- pendium of practical information on virtually every bacterialspecies of medical importance. The book concludes with a concisesection on virology, as well as chapters on mycology, protozoologyand the oddly displaced idiosyncratic trio of Rickettsia, Chlamydiaand Mycoplasma. The refer- ences accompanying each chapter aregenerally well chosen and the text is adequately indexed. This avade mecum which can be recommended unreservedly for a place inevery clinical microbiology laboratory.
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